Catalogues heralding seasonal sales

Those delicious cinnamony German Christmas biscuits are on sale in my local Lidl, proof, if any were needed, that the Christmas selling season is underway.

As such I'm beginning my habitual unscientific monitoring of seasonal print paraphernalia. Honours go to Lakeland for being first to hit my doormat with a dedicated Christmas catalogue. Since that one arrived a week or so ago I've also received the RSPB variant and the rather cute "Dogalogue" from the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

Good to see that catalogues are still viewed as an effective seasonal selling tool. Next week's ECMOD show should prove illuminating in charting the relationship between print and digital channels when it comes to generating those all-important sales.

But when it comes to really being ahead of the game, mental health charity Mind takes both the German and the dog biscuit as I've just received a mailing from them that includes a 2010 calendar. Now that really is forward planning.