Awards anticipation

It's the PrintWeek Awards tonight. Very much looking forward to seeing lots of lovely print people in their finery this evening. You do scrub up nicely!

Without wishing to sound gushing or trite, I can honestly say that being involved with the awards is a really uplifting experience. The industry overall has been going through such a torrid time, it's a complete breath of fresh air to experience the flip side.

Hundreds of pieces of fantastic, and fantastically effective print were scrutinised by the judges. And in our performance categories the entries always provide a fresh appreciation of the admirable amount of business nous and smart thinking going on in the sector.

Although we haven't yet emerged from the economic maelstrom, what is emerging is a new-look printing industry. Smaller yes, but those leading the way forward are stronger for it. We really do have some bloody good companies doing some incredibly clever stuff, and I can't wait to celebrate with a bunch of them tonight.