


12438 results found

SC Dynamicsprint And MCC Products

Multi-Color Corporation streamlines in-mold production with DynamicsPrint

Global labelling giant Multi-Color Corporation (MCC) has signed a strategic agreement with DynamicsPrint to roll out its eponymous enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution across multiple MCC...

Koenig Bauer Dr Andreas Pleßke

Koenig and Bauer boss: ‘be bullish’

Koenig & Bauer CEO Dr Andreas Pleßke has urged the industry to “be bullish” about print and packaging’s strong sustainability story.


Fujifilm files patent claim against Kodak

Fujifilm has launched a legal action against Kodak, and claims that its Sonora processless plates infringe Fujifilm’s patents.

Inkcups Fespa

Inkcups announces mini pre-treatment system

Inkcups (2-C25) has expanded its portfolio with a downsized variant of its MagiCoat Pre-treatment System, announced during Fespa Global Print Expo.


Sunthinks shows off budget single-pass UV

Shenzen-based manufacturer Sunthinks has brought its flagship 50m/min single-pass 230mm UV printer for small signage and promotional material to Fespa.

Roland Dg Willems (1)

Roland DG shows off latest releases and Dimense buy

Roland DG has had a busy start to Fespa, presenting three new machines and celebrating its launch to market of the recently-acquired textured print specialist Dimense (now DG Dimense).


Marketing boss banned

The boss of a marketing services company has received a lengthy ban for abuse of the Bounce Back Loan scheme.

FD2 7 Arlon

Arlon Graphics demonstrates portfolio depth

Arlon Graphics (5-G108) has unveiled a new range of premium cast non-PVC substrates on its booth, where it is also hosting a series of competitions with exclusive prizes.

UPM Fespa

UPM Raflatac showcasing extended range at Fespa

UPM Raflatac (5-H49) has unveiled its expanded Graphics Solutions product range at Fespa Global Print Expo.

FD2 13 Neschen NEW

Neschen shows off new laminator and PVC-free films

Neschen Coating has arrived at Fespa 2024 with a brand-new laminator and wide stock of sustainable media.