


29039 results found

Drupa Kyocera

Kyocera to show Taskalfa Pro 55000c at Drupa

Kyocera will present its Taskalfa Pro 55000c production inkjet press at Drupa for the machine’s European trade show debut.

Frontline.Io Service Support Training

Israeli tech firm aims to shake up service and support

A technology firm that aims to transform the way industry manufacturers handle training and support will make its Drupa debut at the upcoming expo.


Haybrooke secures new strategic partnerships

Haybrooke has agreed new strategic partnerships with two major office industry buying groups, Integra Business Solutions and Nemo Office Club.


Konica Minolta hires EFI's Mallozzi

Konica Minolta has bought on ex-EFI heavyweight Frank Mallozzi to head up its industrial printing division, including high-speed inkjet, labelling and embellishment business channels.

Inkcups Ben Adner

Inkcups reshuffles board

Inkcups CEO and Founder Benjamin Adner has stepped aside after 23 years at the helm, taking up a new position as chief innovation officer at the promotional product printing kit manufacturer on 25...

Kingsbury Press Art Of Print Samples 6

Jobs go as Bluetree opts for industrial over luxe at Kingsbury

Bluetree Group has decided to switch the remit of Kingsbury Press from bespoke books and high-end brochures to standardised products, in a shock move that will result in a number of job losses.


Zeus Group acquires Weedon Group

Independently owned Irish packaging company Zeus Group has acquired independent integrated corrugated manufacturer Weedon Group.


Zaikio enters liquidation

German company Zaikio, known for its cloud-based data and app platform, has gone into liquidation.

Partition Graphics

Partition Graphics up to speed with Canon Colorado install

Partition Graphics has installed a Canon Colorado M3W UVgel 1.6m roll-to-roll printer in the first stage of a print room evolution.

Celloglas Lorry

Celloglas up for sale

The business and assets of the UK’s biggest multi-site print finishing specialist have been put up for sale with at least one offer already on the table.