


13722 results found

Setting Up

Setting up for the first time

It doesn’t take much to set up a business: a good idea, graft, opportunity and of course, appropriate funding. However, it takes thought and planning to last the course and become successful.

Mm Zakeke1

Me & My: Zakeke visual commerce platform

Online personalisation can be big business in difficult times, if you approach it carefully. The early promise of personalised photobooks disappeared into the clutches of big suppliers who can use a...


Are there alternatives to redundancy?

Economic dips come and go and in their wake businesses are left struggling financially. A number succumb to their wounds while others end up as zombie companies unable to do anything other than just...

Gill Tress SF Taylor

Q&A: Gill Tress, Business services director, SF Taylor

Gill recently celebrated a special landmark – 40 years of working at SF Taylor. She’s married with one son, Dominic, and her hobbies include travelling, socialising with friends, trying new foods and...

NU COAT 01 Premises Exterior Printweek Article (17 11 2023)

Coatings clean & green

Nu-Coat prides itself on being the world’s first carbon-neutral manufacturer of self-adhesive products for the sign and graphics sectors. Only set up in 2018 and despite the challenges of lockdowns...

ESP Group Colorado

ESP buys Goldcrest Group

Swindon-based Handel Group, parent company to ESP Colour, has acquired the three companies of Goldcrest Group, doubling its digital business and adding wide-format and label printing to its roster.

Knott Panini Sq

Panini Mexico 1970 world cup album attracts international bidding

A copy of the first ever Panini World Cup sticker album from 1970 went under the hammer for £2,000 on 5 December, beating its pre-sale estimate of £1,200-£1,800.

21 366 Book Top Perspective Spread V1 1

Fedrigoni 2024 calendar pushes boundaries of generative design

Fedrigoni has launched a showcase charity calendar for 2024 with a two-day event at London’s Crafts Council.


Give the gift of print

If you are struggling to find a special something for a special someone, Printweek is here to help. Our annual Christmas gift guide is the go-to resource for the time-pressed and print-obsessed.


People moves at Walstead

People moves at Walstead UK have resulted in two of its plants being under new management.