


10898 results found

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Buyer secured as Mailbox DM files NOI

Mailbox DM has found a buyer after the direct mail specialist filed a Notice of Intention to Appoint Administrators (NOI) earlier this week.

Greenshires Group Building 2 (1)

Greenshires shortfall revealed

Greenshires Group had less than £5,000 in the bank when it went into administration after plans for a pre-pack sale fell through, leaving a £2m-plus shortfall.


Friedheim to show off 13 manufacturer partners at Drupa

Post-press kit supplier Friedheim international will have 13 of its manufacturer partners exhibiting at Drupa 2024.

Chris Payne Miraclon CEO

Miraclon: 'modern flexo' has visual parity with gravure, offset and digital

Miraclon will champion the advantages of ‘modern flexo’ at Drupa, drawing upon real-world examples from its customer base.

Heidelberg DCW Penrose

DCW Penrose shuttered; kit sold at auction

Family-owned commercial printer DCW Penrose has sold off its printing kit at auction after appointing liquidators on 27 March.

01Slmarkva06 Cms

IFS lauds partners' premieres and Drupa importance

Intelligent Finishing Systems (IFS) has unveiled the key themes and product launches of its post-press kit manufacturing partners, which include Horizon and Tecnau, as it prepares for what it...


Royal Mail: IDS takeover bid upped by 15.6%

Foreign investor EP Corporate Group has returned to the table with a much higher offer for Royal Mail owner International Distributions Services – and the IDS board is minded to accept it.

SC Heidelberg Boardmember Dr David Schmedding STAGE BIG

"We are going to Drupa with confidence"

Heidelberg’s newly promoted chief sales and service officer for its executive board, Dr David Schmedding, shares the manufacturer’s plans for Drupa 2024 and details how they were inspired to help...

Celloglas Lorry

Trio seal Celloglas deal

A trio of trade finishers have stepped in to acquire the business and assets of Celloglas.


'Soft' trading in Q1 at Agfa

Sales at Agfa's digital printing wing fell in Q1, but the group expects the fruits of its new EFI partnership to come through later in the year.