


40727 results found

Fespa 2024

Flagship wide-format expo takes big strides forward in Amsterdam

Fespa’s Global Print Expo is a celebrated annual fixture in the wide-format print calendar that more often than not takes place in a German city every May.


Succession and selling up

There are stories of print company owners moving on and selling up. And there are accounts of individuals dying leaving survivors to deal with the firm’s future. The reality is that no small privately...


Best of British: Ink in the veins

For more than 60 years, RK Print Coat instruments has been faithfully serving the global inks and coating sectors with indispensable test kits.

B2 Dm Examples

Is it time to dust off direct mail?

It is, perhaps, pertinent to realise that a multitude of present-day marketers have pretty much zero experience in direct mail, such has been the fixation with online digital marketing channels in...


Lifelong learning

Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company and pioneer of mass production, once said: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

Durst Easy

Printed Easy boosts labels firepower with first inkjet

Printed Easy has invested in its first inkjet press – a Durst Tau RSC-E – in a move that will increase its label production capacity by a whopping 300%.

HP Weiss

HP roadshow flags up Drupa launches around the UK

HP held the London leg yesterday (25 April) of its five-date pre-Drupa roadshow that has been taking place at art galleries across the UK.

Autobox AB300 Installed At Dairi Pak Lo Res

Dairi-Pak makes productivity leap with new Autobox

Shropshire sheet plant Dairi-Pak has seen its short-run productivity leap after installing a brand-new Kolbus Autobox AB300.

P20500series Epson

Epson president to showcase inkjet evolution in Drupa speech

Epson’s global president, Yasanori Ogawa, will give a keynote speech on the first day of Drupa 2024, 28 May, showing how Epson has reinvented itself as a major inkjet manufacturer.

Andrea Davies National World NEW

National World takes on former Time Inc boss

National World has appointed a highly-experienced former magazine executive to its board.