


20588 results found


Connected-party pre-pack at Vision On Design

Vision On Design has undergone a pre-pack sale following a drop in sales and legal action by one of its creditors.


Marstan in administration: IP and director go to Elle Media

Marstan Press has gone into administration with the loss of all 54 jobs and some of its assets snapped up by Elle Media Group.


Pureprint Group in another big name hire

Pureprint Group has recruited another technology-focused big-hitter following the appointment of Anthony Thirlby as chief operating officer earlier this year.


DM volumes down but relevance up since GDPR

There has been a 30% reduction in the amount of direct mail received by UK households since the introduction of GDPR, but the perceived relevance of the mail received has increased, according to new...


Alchemy Coatings reborn after administration

Finishing specialist Alchemy Coatings has been placed into administration but its sister company Silk Hat Greetings has adopted the trading name and will continue trading the business.


Pre-pack deal salvages Bridge Communications

Euro Media Solutions has bought Bridge Communications out of administration in a pre-pack deal.


Tharstern joins Coca-Cola and Rolex as one-name company brand

MIS company Tharstern has rebranded to support its global ambitions, distilling its various company names down to one word.

Fresh Media forms transatlantic tie-up

Islington-based pre-media firm Fresh Media Group has formed a tie-up with New York pre-media and print group 291 Digital.

TechNova hits the road in India with pre-media roadshow

TechNova Imaging has held an all-India roadshow to underline its commitment to violet CTP technology.