


18127 results found

Imprint Pic

Imprint MIS launch Esko Automation Engine integration system

In development for nearly two years and now fully installed at a UK carton printer, Imprint MIS is opening up the new integration system to other customers.

DGI Fespa

DGI launches new printers

Inkjet printer manufacturer DGI (1-C50) is highlighting new printers at Fespa Global Print Expo – Hercules II and Poseidon II – as well as hosting the European launch of Presto.

Roland Dg Willems (1)

Roland DG shows off latest releases and Dimense buy

Roland DG has had a busy start to Fespa, presenting three new machines and celebrating its launch to market of the recently-acquired textured print specialist Dimense (now DG Dimense).

Colorjet Fespa 24

European debut for Colorjet’s inkjet fabric press

Indian fabric printing specialist Colorjet has launched its latest engine, the 1.8m wide pigment ink Earth 32i, to the European market at Fespa 2024.


Summa shows off new feeders

Two new feeders for Summa (1-D80) cutting tables have received their Fespa debut at the Belgian manufacturer’s stand in hall 1.

Swissq 24 (1)

SwissQprint implements 36-month warranty period

SwissQprint (1-C40) has revealed at Fespa Global Print Expo that its customers will now receive a 36-month parts warranty, starting from the delivery of their large-format printer.

EFI Ufabrik Meeting Rooms

UFabrik textiles utilised at Fespa

UFabrik textiles are being run on the EFI stand (1-D70) at Fespa Global Print Expo.

FD3 15 Piccap BFLEX Puff Ambientata IG 1030X1030

B-Flex puffs up heat transfer options

Heat transfer material specialist B-Flex (1-C58) is premiering its three-dimensional material in hall 1.


Marketing boss banned

The boss of a marketing services company has received a lengthy ban for abuse of the Bounce Back Loan scheme.

Mitsubishi Hitec Paper Bielefeld Mill

Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Europe announces further thermal paper price rise 

Mitsubishi HiTec Paper will increase the price of its Thermoscript thermal papers by 6% from 1 April 2024.