Raise a glass to a profitable 2016

If the team at PrintWeek Towers was hoping for a gentle wind-down in the run-up to Christmas, so that we could focus on putting the Power 100 to bed, that dream was shattered with the financial strife and subsequent change in ownership at Polestar.

But then that’s just par for the course in print: there’s never a dull moment after all.

Looking back through our review of the year it’s hard to believe that so much happened in 12 short months.

Obviously the collapse of Paperlinx, impending and then actual, dominated headlines for much of the first half of the year, but in many respects it seems like a lifetime ago, perhaps because the industry seemed to ‘keep calm and carry on’.

When you look back, it’s sometimes too easy to focus on the negatives, but when you think about all the reasons we have to be proud of print in 2015: from the high-level of M&A activity, the surge in capex, the anecdotal rise in the number of apprentices joining the sector and the number of brands reportedly re-engaging with the medium – then all in all it’s been another pretty good year.

Not an easy year admittedly – but then when was the last time you could say that – but a good, solid year nonetheless.

And I strongly suspect 2016 will be an even better one, not least because we’ve got Drupa to look forward to and all the associated razzmatazz that will bring.

So from the entire PrintWeek team, have a fantastic Christmas and New Year, and don’t forget to raise a glass to a profitable print year in 2016.