Me & My... KAS CreaseMatic Auto 50

Brad Hillcoat, pressroom manager at stationery printer Smythson, tells <i>Jon Severs</i> how this machine has accelerated the firm's turnaround times

Describe your business
Smythson supplies high-quality engraved stationery to clients in the UK and abroad. We have two stationery salons, in London and in New York, both within our retail stores.  
What does the machine do?
It’s a high-speed SRA2 suction-fed card creaser, which can be programmed anywhere along the length of the sheet. Up to 28 creases per sheet can be programmed into the 99-job bank for regular jobs. Stock can be creased in sizes from CD to SRA2 (max 500x700mm). It is supplied with four creasing width tools to cover the stock range of 80-400gsm. It also has a rotary perforating system as standard.

Why did you make the purchase?
Quality is the prime factor in everything we do. For many years we used a Heidelberg platen for creasing, but as sales of our cards – many of which are folded – have grown significantly, we needed a more efficient system.
Why did you chose this particular product?
We looked at two systems that had a good reputation in the marketplace and the KAS creaser won the day.

Did you look at any similar products?
Yes, but the rival machine was significantly more expensive, without any major advantages.

What features do you particularly like?
The speed of makeready and ease of operation.

Is there anything you dislike?
It has low load quantities compared to the platen, but we accept that this is the way with a suction feed.

How fast is it?
It’s considerably faster than a platen.

How reliable is it?
So far it’s been pretty good.

Is there anything that you wish it had that it doesn’t?
Nothing that we have noticed so far.

What’s the quality like?
We have been pleasantly surprised by what it will cope with.

How easy is it to use?
It requires significantly less skill to run than a platen.

How much time or money has it saved?
As it is running so much faster then a platen, there are significant savings – we expect payback within a year.

Has it won you any new work?
Almost certainly not, but it has enabled us to trim costs and for any production operation this is important.

Would you say it offers value for money?
Very much so.
How was the installation?
Good, quick and slick.

What about the pre- and after-sales service?
It’s been impressive. A part failed two weeks after installation and both Ashgate and KAS engineers attended within a very short time. The problem was identified and the part replaced in short order. While it is always going to be disappointing for a new installation to have issues, the response was so fast and comprehensive that we were left with no worries.

Who do you think the machine is right for?
Anyone with a need for good quality creasing, but only limited floorspace.

Under what circumstances would you buy another?
This creaser is doing all that we ask of it.
User’s verdict    
Speed 5/5
Quality 5/5
Reliability 4/5
Value for money 5/5

Supplier’s response     
Ashgate Automation managing director John Price says: "We are very pleased that Smythson, which is renowned for its high-quality printing, has chosen the KAS creaser and that payback on the investment will be within the first year."
Price £9,750
Ashgate Automation
01865 891904