The December 2022 and January 2023 issue of Printweek is out now. Our 'Recession Proof issue’ is crammed with thought-provoking insights, business critical info and all the latest news and views from the UK print industry...

The issue kicks off with a combination of predictions for the year ahead and a look back at the year that was 2022.

Leading off our Knowledge bank section, our cover feature shares insights into how your business can best weather the economic downpour, and we also ask how green is your supply chain and what will the market for premium grades look like following the collapse of Arjowiggins. The section also boasts our annual gift guide for print connoisseurs and the draws to a close with a very personal story of how Cactus Graphics overcame a series of trials and tribulations.

As usual the technical Product Portfolio segment is introduced with the latest product launches, before we get under the skins of the Agfa Jeti Tauro H3300; the latest update of Esko's modular suite of packaging software tools; and the newly launched Horizon Stitchliner Mark V. LED is also in the spotlight as we take a look at the various retrofittable options out there. We bookend the segment with a seasonal Best of British on Grace's Guide.

And finally, as ever the issue is wrapped up with our sideways look at a bygone issue, From the Archive.

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