Comment: Dynamic duos must share a vision

Our past couple of interviewees have reminded me of the power of print partnerships.

Not in the sense of companies working together, but those dynamic duos that more often than not seem to be the brains behind the most successful companies.

In fact, the more I think about it the harder it is to think of a dynamic company that really did have one leader, singlehandedly steering the business. Every time I think I have one, someone points out the Man (or Woman) Friday who, although rarely stepping out into the limelight, was just as much a driving force, or was, perhaps just as importantly, a critical calming influence.

And that seems to be the trick; these platonic power couples only ever seem to work when the two individuals skills and personalities complement rather than mirror each other.

It’s interesting too that there doesn’t seem to be a prescribed set of official roles within a business that work best; sometimes it’s a slick sales director and a mindful managing director, or a maverick managing director and fearsome finance director. The only golden rule seems to be that they have a great working relationship.

But like any relationship, there are ups and downs and the trick to finding the Robin to your Batman, or vice versa, is to realise that just liking your opposite number isn’t enough. In fact it might not even be necessary.

The only necessity is a shared vision of where you want the business to go. You can worry about fighting over exactly how you get there later.