Wyndeham in Pre-Press reshuffle

Wyndeham Press Group has announced a restructure of its pre-media services division that will result in group development director Les Pipe taking the helm.

Pipe, who returned to the UK from two years in New Zealand after stepping down as chief executive of FMG, replaces managing director Barry Fitzpatrick, who will now take up the role of group technical director.

As part of the rejig, Wyndeham Pre-Press, which moved to Crowne House in Southwark last year, will return to its previous home alongside creative services business Masterpiece in Clifton Street, east London, from August.

Meanwhile, the development and production team behind Emagine, Wyndeham's workflow production system, will remain in Crowne House, where they will focus on bringing a more comprehensive range of services to the company's clients.

Pipe said: "This move is designed to streamline our pre-media services under one management and production team, and to separately develop an even more powerful online workflow production tool for publishing and other markets.

"The ‘joined up' technology and sales initiative across Wyndeham Press Group gives us a unique opportunity that we will continue to develop from client to the pressroom."

The move forms part of Wyndeham's ongoing group re-organisation initiative, which began following the company's acquisition by Walstead Investments in December last year.