Wren Press revitalises Linotronic 330 with StudioRIP

Wren Press, a family-owned specialist in high-quality bespoke stationery, has installed a StudioRIP system to prolong the life of its existing Linotronic 330 imagesetter.

The London- and New York-based business, which uses film for the creation of engraving and embossing work, has updated its ageing Linotype RIP 50 with the StudioRIP installation, which was completed by UK-based dealer Ripware.

Daniel Jones, managing director at Wren Press, said: "The first thing that has made a big difference is the preview system, which enables us to save time, to save film, and therefore to save money.

"Being able to spot errors before we commit to film and plates that often wouldn't surface until the job is on the press has made us much more efficient. The StudioRIP preview even highlights moiré issues on screen – problems that we would not have been able to see on the films."

Jones added that the company had reduced film costs by as much as 50%, in addition to associated savings on processor chemistry, as a result of StudioRIP's ability to gang jobs prior to output.

Wren Press, which specialises in bespoke invitations for weddings, parties, christenings and bar mitzvahs, is considering further expansion of its StudioRIP system to include the ability to drive multiple output devices.