Unite challenges closure of Mediahuis’ Newry site

Mediahuis announced the site's closure last week. Image: Google Maps
Mediahuis announced the site's closure last week. Image: Google Maps

Trade union Unite has challenged the closure of Mediahuis’ Northern Irish newspaper printing site in Newry, where 46 jobs are under threat.

Citing the Mediahuis Group’s strong profits and the Dublin government’s decision to apply a zero VAT rate to print media, Unite protested the company’s decision to close the plant.

Unite regional officer Neil Moore said: “This company is under no financial pressure to shut this site and make the workforce redundant - this is simply about increasing profits – even when it means they are removing any capacity for contingencies. 

“The company is amongst the main beneficiaries of the newspaper VAT cut by the Dublin government – and now they move to shut down their last printing press in Ireland.”

Unite estimated that the VAT cut would save Mediahuis €15m (£13.1m) annually. The group posted a net profit of €117.3m in 2021, double that of the previous year.

Mediahuis announced its intention to close the site on 27 September, with all staff to leave by January 2023.

The Newry site is the only remaining heatset and dual-web printer in Northern Ireland. Unite expressed fears that its closure would present a ripple effect of problems as it might remove backup printing capacity for papers, leaving them with fewer contingency options should there be problems at other plants.

Moore added: “If this closure proceeds, it will be another blow to the Newry economy and to the print sector generally.

“While we will be seeking to maximise the redundancy payments to the workers affected our first priority is saving these jobs and this productive capacity.”