Taylor Bloxham takes steps to incorporate JDF

Leicester-based Taylor Bloxham has become the first UK printer to use JDF integration between its Tharstern MIS and Creo UpFront production planning software.

The company has used Tharstern MIS for more than four years, and added Creo Synapse UpFront two weeks ago.


IT director Matthew Wennington said: "JDF offers distinct advantages by increasing automation and eliminating many manual tasks and processes.


"Having a universal means to communicate job details allows the entire process to be included in the workflow."


Wennington added that the move reduces duplication, which results in time and overhead savings.


In the long term, UpFront will enable Taylor Bloxham to automate further parts of its workflow. "Instead of having three or four fragmented areas each with different systems, it enables all departments to come together in harmony," he said.


"Ultimately, it will allow us to automate cutting, folding and binding, but that is some way down the line."