Stroma and Oc celebrate digital newspaper milestone

Digital printer Stroma and digital press manufacturer Oc have celebrated the five millionth newspaper to be digitally printed at Stroma's west-London facility.

Stroma began digitally printing newspapers in 2001 when it was approached by Océ to be the first site in the Digital Newspaper Network.

Steve Brown, managing director of Stroma, said: "Here in London, there’s more experience at producing digital newspapers than anywhere else in the world. This has been a true and fantastic partnership with Océ.

"Even though these are challenging times, I’m determined to take our business to the next level and go down the colour route. Newspapers are facing difficult times, but digital opens up new markets and new revenue streams for them."

Océ’s network was started up when Swiss newspaper Neue Zuricher Zeitung (NZZ) wanted a quicker route into the UK.

Danish daily financial paper Borsen Dagblad was the first newspaper to roll off of Stroma’s presses and was followed by the New York Times, which has the honour being the five millionth. The company also prints Sydney Morning Herald and the Globe and Mail.

Océ business development manager for digital document services Paul Krisson, who was instrumental in forming the DNN, added: "Nobody’s pretending that digital newspaper production has been an easy ride. We should know because we’ve been in it from the start and are here for the long run, make no mistake about that. We are delighted that Stroma has reached this landmark in production."

For more, see this week's PrintWeek.

See also:

Océ wins New York Times job

Océ and Stroma in Toronto Globe deal