Printhaus rounds off 600,000 investment with Polar guillotine buy

Commercial printer Printhaus has taken delivery of the UK's first Polar guillotine with Flowline and Count Monitor, completing a 600,000 spend in finishing and pre-press equipment.

The company said the investment would treble its cutting output, while the Count Monitor will feed information such as job progress and number of sheets cut, into its Tharstern MIS.

Kelly Harris, managing director of the Northampton-based printer, said that despite the company's two existing Polar guillotines, it had been facing increased pressure points at the cutting stage, which caused problems further downstream.

"By replacing at least one Polar guillotine with this newer version with the additional materials handling, we will increase productivity and take a lot of the strain out of the work," he said.

Printhaus' new guillotine includes Transomat downloading, which downloads finished work onto a pallet while the next block is being cut.

Heidelberg said that the addition of the Flowline system would cut out any bottlenecks, while the adoption of JDF/JMF links to the Tharstern MIS will give Printhaus faster set-up times.

The Polar installation concludes a total investment in 2008 of £600,000 in pre-press and finishing kit, including a Kodak Magnus 800 Quantum platesetter ordered at Drupa.

Printhaus, which employs 80 staff, is aiming to reach a turnover of £9m this year.