Presstek TX52 out in summer

Pressteks new low-cost chemistry-free platesetter, the Vector TX52, is to go on sale this summer with a price tag of around 45,000.

The thermal internal drum machine, which runs in daylight conditions, will make its UK debut at Northprint next week on the AB Dick stand, imaging onto Presstek's Freedom plates.

The plates will be used on AB Dick's Hamada B452 press on the stand at the Harrogate show.

The cost of the 20 plates per hour Vector TX52 will include the latest version of the Harlequin RIP and a workstation as a complete bundle.
Ray Hillhouse, AB Dick UK managing director, said that the machine was "a great fit" for the B3 press market. "It will quickly become one of our bestsellers," he predicted.

AB Dick's stand at Northprint will also show the 46 Karat Plus direct-imaging press, the Presstek Dimension 450 chemistry-free platesetter and the AB Dick Digital PlateMaster 2508 polyester platesetter.

Story by Josh Brooks