Overmatter: Skype silliness

Being able to laugh at yourself is a key life skill, and Overmatter is happy to report that some of the industry’s big bosses are able to do just that.

Two examples came at the recent EFI Connect user conference. EFI chief executive Guy Gecht and Landa boss Benny Landa had the audience in fits of giggles after Gecht Skyped Benny Landa ‘live’ in what would have been the middle of the night, Israel time. 

This was in ‘revenge’ for a quip Landa made at Ipex when he implied that the hold-up in shipping the Nanography presses was down to waiting for EFI’s front-end to be ready.

Landa appeared, in pyjamas in bed. He just happened to have a variety of prints produced on the aforementioned presses in the room with him, including one of Gecht, and one of an attractive woman called Debbie – a reference to Landa’s now infamous quip at a previous Connect conference, when in answer to Gecht’s innocuous question regarding his favourite film, Landa brought the house down by answering “Debbie Does Dallas”. 

Click here to watch it (from about 29 minutes in).

A subsequent video involved Gecht working as an In and Out Burger server as the EFI management team scrabbled for every nickel and dime as they attempted to hit their $1bn sales target. 

“We take everything seriously, other than ourselves,” he says.