Overmatter: Roadies on the rise

Print’s cycling trend is accelerating at Cav-like speed.

DPM’s Dean Beckett and chum Martin Wells not only beat their target to raise £30,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support, they smashed it. 

Beckett and Wells completed their 940-mile ‘Ronnie Remembrance Ride’ (@RRRforMacmillan) from Walton to Barcelona on 20 April, and at the last count have raised an incredible £47,500.

“We made it in one piece, just about. Martin had a narrow miss involving a Citroen Picasso somewhere in France, and I strained my Achilles tendon on the third day, so 700 miles with that wasn’t the best follow-up,” a suitably jubilant Beckett reports. 

The duo’s stash of inner tubes was largely unused as they suffered just two punctures – both on the last day, and both on Dean’s bike. 

Future trips will involve a more rigorous planning process. “We clearly hadn’t paid enough attention to the elevation charts – some of the longest days also involved the most climbing.”

fuji-cycling-clubMeanwhile, suitably on-trend and indeed suitably branded, a team of 10 Fujifilm staffers held the inaugural Fujifilm UK Cycle Club ride at last month’s Milton Keynes 88-mile sportive. The team aims to raise money for a number of charities throughout the year and is inviting like-minded print folk to join in.