Overmatter: Mo' mugs

Printers across the country have been gripping their Gillettes, wielding their Wilkinson Swords, and brandishing their Brauns – in some cases exposing flesh that hasn’t seen the light of day for years.

Yes, it can only be Movember, the annual charity fest that aims to raise awareness about men’s health issues. 

Overmatter intends to create a Mo’s Gallery of the resulting array of hirsute wonders. We’re hoping for a Magnum and maybe the odd Poirot, and admit to a certain fondness for a Zapata based on the super-cool look adopted by a Capri-driving colleague from many years past.

Irongate Group (pictured), Solopress and Streamline Press in Leicester are among the industry folk embracing the initiative. And a shout-out must go to Tony Bates at Fast Graphics in Nottingham, who has been bearded for 30 years and is now suffering from a chilly chin without it. “Thinking isn’t easy with no beard to stroke,” says Bates.

Visit uk.movember.com and search for the above to donate. You’ll also find PrintWeek community stalwart ‘Musty the Dog’ on there, although we are concerned about the lack of available ‘tache space between Musty’s nose and lip…