Overmatter: bin blunder

Overmatter still wakes up in cold sweat sometimes, upon remembering a head-scratching hoo-hah back in the day when attempting to create the artwork for self-cling window decals, which needed to be fitted to the long slanted windows in the back of an estate car.

Suffice to say, it was an early learning experience in the fact that the repro needed to be different for the left and right sides… 

Environmental management Master’s student Oli Sheppard stumbled across a similar double-sided item ‘printing error’ (dread phrase, but accurate in this instance), while in Lewisham Shopping Centre in London. 

Sharp-eyed Oli, who is obviously a keen recycler, noticed that the recycling option on some of the centre’s bins was, err, pointless because the same artwork had been printed on both sides of the receptacle. 

Thus ‘Litter’ was backed up by ‘Recycling’ on the other side, and vice versa. 

Oopsy! Reprint required. And back to pre-press school for the printer.