New Year predictions - Xerox UK's Mike Holyoake

Mike Holyoake, general manager, graphic communications operations, Xerox UK & Ireland

What trend do you think 2012 will be remembered for? 

Another key chapter in the change of print technology from offset to digital. Drupa 2012 provided further evidence of these changes.

What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2013 and why?
Embracing and maximising automation opportunities within the whole printing process as a way to both reduce costs and produce more jobs. As competition increases, margins are tighter and time is at a premium, so automation becomes, in my mind, a great way to both sustain and grow in order to ensure a healthy and prosperous 2013.

What do you think will represent the single biggest threat for printers in 2013 and why?
Inaction and complacency; the world is moving at a fast pace and it won’t wait for anyone, and new opportunities are appearing from non traditional sources. Today, customers are looking for suppliers to help them navigate through this changing environment and provide resources to capitalise on new growth opportunities.

What’s the one thing that the industry should do more of, or do better, in 2013?
The industry needs to be more proactive and reconnect with itself, its customers and the wider market in order to promote and celebrate all of the fantastic things we do, day-in, day-out.

What was your highlight of 2012?
The launch of the Xerox iGen150 Press and the development of our new Graphic Communications line of business which will enhance the communication between Xerox and its customers.

What are your hopes for 2013?
I am both fortunate and proud to manage the new Graphic Communications Organisation for Xerox in the UK and want to continue to bring new sustainable business opportunities to our customers and the market. I would like to think that anyone looking for a technology partner to help them grow their business would always consider a conversation with Xerox both informative and worthwhile.

What was the most important thing that you learnt in 2012?
As our customers are inextricably linked to our success, we need to do even more together to support and develop joint business opportunities.

What will you do differently in 2013?
Increase our channels to market through improved understanding of our customers’ changing requirements and building a trusted advisor relationship that reaches beyond that of a supplier relationship.
What does the industry need to do differently in 2013?
To plan and invest with confidence for the medium to longer term - not just the short term. Sustained growth will only be achieved through more detailed planning over a longer period. The industry will feed off the confidence of those investing in its future.