New year predictions: Helen Kennett, Henry Ling

Kennett: at least we are all in this together...
Kennett: at least we are all in this together...

The Book and journal specialists managing director doesn't have many regrets from 2021, other than perhaps the poor performance of the The Saints.

What positives are you able to draw on from the experiences of 2021?
A huge positive is that our investments in 2020 have paid off, many companies would have delayed for a year. Another is that despite the challenges we are still in a healthy position as a business and more importantly all our staff are still fit and healthy.

What trend (business or technology) do you think has been accelerated because of the impact of Covid?
Definitely online business, from meetings to product demonstrations, and although this has downsides it has many positives especially environmental ones – as we are located miles from motorways!

What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2022 and why?
That’s a difficult one as it must vary from sector to sector. But for us in our markets, hopefully, the acceleration of the drive to keep print within these shores fuelled by spiralling import costs and time delays when projects are produced offshore.

What are your hopes for 2022?
Southampton beating someone, anyone, 9-nil 😊.

Describe your ‘new normal’?
Where do we start? Expensive paper, long lead times, lack of delivery drivers, price increases – in short the new normal seems to be an excuse for any problem! But at least we are all in this together...

What piece of advice do you wish you had been given?
Delegate anything to do with mailing into the EU, because of the new VAT rules, (and don’t support Southampton).

What, if anything, will you do differently in 2022?
Hopefully some overseas travel and see more of friends and colleagues.

What’s your favourite Christmas cracker joke?
Who hides in the bakery at Christmas?
The mince spy

Sprouts: yes or no?