New year predictions: Bridget Petty, JPS

Petty's advice for printers: do not race to the bottom!
Petty's advice for printers: do not race to the bottom!

Print management consultancy JPS used its team's experience and industry know-how to good effect during the upheavals of 2022. Managing director Bridget Petty aims to keep print at the forefront of customers’ plans over the coming year.

What positives are you able to draw on from the experiences of 2022?
For the majority of our multi-channel mail order clients, print remains the top responding medium and delivers customers with the best lifetime value for their business. 

What trend (business or technology) do you think has been accelerated because of the impact of inflation?
Reduction in high pagination brochure print volumes but an increased investment in more cost-effective and tactical direct mail, for example highly personalised customer mailings, welcome offers and trigger mailings. 

Customers being more open to dropping the paper gsm and showing flexibility on paper grades to counter the escalating prices. 

What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2023 and why?
With the reduced pool of suppliers, there is an opportunity for printers to win new business at profitable rates, do not race to the bottom!

What are your hopes for 2023?
My hopes are to maintain the strong technical knowledge within our business to supply our clients with best print and paper solutions and ensure print remains their shop window, at the forefront of plans for 2023 and beyond. 

That no more printers and paper mills close, and paper prices return to pre-2022 levels – hopes and dreams!

What piece of advice do you wish you had been given in December 2021 to prepare you for the year you’ve just had?
Costs will escalate but loyal clients and valued suppliers will work their socks off to make print work for us all.

What was your word or phrase of the year in 2022?
“Energy surcharge…”

What, if anything, will you do differently in 2023?
With the closure of Prinovis, we will be back to buying more print in Europe. 

What’s your favourite Christmas cracker joke?
I don’t do jokes about graphic designers – I draw the line at that.

Are you making any New Year's resolutions? If so, what?
Meet up with clients and suppliers – nothing beats a face to face.