New year predictions: Amanda Creedon Bass, Solway Print

Amanda Creedon Bass, Solway Print managing director, is looking forward not only to the new year but the next 45 years.

What’s at the top of your Christmas wish list this year?
A Schoffel Parka for the chilly seasons in Scotland.

What trend (business or technology) do you think 2018 will be remembered for?
Workplace wellbeing packages are appearing everywhere. It’s a good thing – your employees can be your biggest investment, look after them. 

What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2019 and why?
Being able to turn a top-quality digital job around the same day, it sets us apart from the batch printers and those who rely on them.

What do you think will represent the single biggest threat for printers in 2019 and why?
Multi-national online batch print companies; they are potential bad news for small- to medium-sized printers.

What’s the one thing that the industry should do more of, or do better, in 2019?
Give an honest price for an honest job, stop knocking the stuffing out of each other in price wars.

What was your biggest disappointment in 2018?
A lack of integrity from a supplier, very disappointing.

What was your highlight of 2018?
We took on an apprentice litho/letterpress printer – the first in a long time. He is hardworking, diligent, in love with his job and has a very bright future!

What are your hopes for 2019?
To be able to sustain investment in staff and technology. We want to continue to print well for another 45 years!

What is your one-word view on Brexit?

What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
You can’t get everything you want.

What’s your favourite Christmas cracker joke?
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick.

What was the best Christmas present you ever received?
An Anya Hindmarch handbag from my lovely brother Mark.

Are you making any New Year's resolutions? If so, what?
Personally, to eat less rubbish and exercise more!