New JDF landmark reached

CIP 4 has released a new version of the JDF specification at Drupa, and there are signs that CIP4 and NGP (the Networked Graphic Production group) will converge in the future to create one standard a move that should remove current industry confusion regarding the aims of the two bodies.

JDF version 1.2 was described as "a step forward based on feedback from vendors and users in the real world". It includes a new concept, Interoperability Conformance Specifications (ICS), which provides a straightforward way to check JDF compliance between different devices. One JDF expert described it as "a kind of grammar for JDF".


Three ICS definitions are in beta test, including MIS to pre-press, and are expected to be published in the next 60 to 90 days.


The JDF 1.2 preflight description has also been "completely overhauled", one of seven significant changes and upgrades in the new version. CIP4 has also made a breakthrough by releasing the software development kit and schemas in parallel with the specification.


"Drupa has seen the birth of a whole slew of JDF-enabled products, and the specification itself is pretty grown up and mature already. I'm amazed at how quickly we got there," said chief executive Martin Bailey.


Bailey said version 1.2 was also "more robust" and allowed a new level of integration. A new system of "grey boxes" allows MIS systems to "track processing without worrying about the technology behind it, ie they are not interested in registration of inking. This really allows the complete integration of MIS," he added.


NGP joined CIP4 on 7 May, and its membership has also just passed a resolution that will formally look at ICS as being the successor to its own interfaces. "NGP will actively pursue the goal of having a single industry ICS and will bring recommendations to the CIP4 working groups to ensure the highest ROI value to printers," it stated.


PrintCity, the strategic alliance of more than 50 companies that can be found in hall six at Drupa, has also joined CIP4.


CIP4 marketing officer Margaret Motamed said the level of interest in JDF at Drupa had been "so tremendous" that 7,000 brochures had already been taken by visitors by day three of the show.