Monotype launches Ysobel Pro typeface

Monotype Imaging has added the 20-font Ysobel Pro typeface suite to its Monotype Imaging Library.

The Ysobel typeface family was created by one of Monotype's longest-serving designers, Robin Nicholas, for both text and display applications.

According to Monotype, Ysobel's "soft, inviting letter shapes and angular serifs are primarily intended for newspaper and periodical copy".

Nicholas, who is head of typography at Monotype, was inspired by the classic Century Schoolbook typeface, which began appearing in the early 1900s.

"Ysobel has the soft, inviting letter shapes of Century Schoolbook, but contrasts these with more angular serifs," he said.

"Its capitals are also narrower than those of Century Schoolbook and the lowercase letters are more full-bodied."

Ysobel Pro supports 48 western, central and eastern European languages and is available in the OpenType cross-platform font format.

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