Metrostat plumps for Fuji CTP

Metrostat Communications and Print has spent 80,000 moving into CTP with a complete Fuji system.

The pre-press, print and direct mail firm installed a Luxel V-6 B2 violet platesetter running Brillia LP-NV violet plates and Fuji Open workflow.

It is also testing Liso, Fujifilm's AM/FM hybrid-screening option as part of the workflow offering to give clients the opportunity to produce premium work.

"Violet technology meets all our needs," said director Adam Stanislas.

"It's lower maintenance than thermal but delivers high quality. We chose Fuji's 30mW violet over the 5mW silver violet technology because it's far superior on quality and environmental considerations."

The firm runs five-colour B2 Heidelberg Speedmaster perfectors and B3 kit at its factory in Raynes Park south-west London.