KBA - eight questions for '08

This year has been another rollercoaster ride for the industry. While the printweek.com editorial team takes a (well-earned) break over the Christmas season, we've turned to the great and the good of UK print and asked what we can expect from the year to come. Here's the forecast from <b>KBA UK managing director Christian Knapp</b>.

1. What do you believe will be greatest opportunities for printers to grow their businesses in 2008?
Large-format presses, since working smarter is better then simply working harder.

2. What will be the greatest threat to your sector for 2008?
Mass hysteria and another run on our institutions.

3. How can the industry raise its profile next year?
By celebrating Drupa with lots of orders for all equipment sectors.

4. What do you believe is the most under-recognised aspect in printing that is likely to become more important in 2008?
UV inkjet and waterless/keyless printing – just think of the cost and environmental benefits.

5. What print sectors do you believe will experience the greatest innovation next year?
Web- to-print, also called internet printers or matrix printers.

6. What should the print industry do when it gets back to work after the holidays?
What holidays? Many of our customers are working and so are we.

7. If the government stepped in and did one thing to help the industry, what would you hope that would be?
Resign and stop meddling.

8. What will you do differently in 2008?
Sleep, eat and drink less – work harder and smarter.