ICG puts name on the map before scanner launch

ICG has reinstated the name Itek Colour Graphics in a bid to strengthen the brand prior to the launch of a new scanner.

The firm's flagship 380 scanner, an A3 vertical drum unit capable of 12,000dpi optical resolution, is currently being developed and refined in readiness for the new scanner's launch.


"It probably won't look like a 380, it will be revamped and there are some new enhancements on the way," said ICG managing director Andr Fletcher.


"We're working very closely with some manufacturers to produce some very specialised components," he added. The firm is aiming for a winter 2005 release, in time for Ipex 2006.


The firm's investment in R&D follows it success in realigning its main markets. "They now tend to be publishers, photographers and companies that would generally address the printer rather than the printer themselves," explained Fletcher.


The return to ICG's full title marks the next stage in the development of the standalone company, part of a group including dcs associates and ColourPeople.


The expanded ICG factory, in Bristol, came on stream at the end of January. "It has got as many orders as it can fulfill at the moment," said Fletcher.


As a further part of the brand strengthening the firm has also taken moves to "heavily register" the ICG name and products against others purporting to be or use them.


Story by Darryl Danielli