Healeys appoints Pureprint's Harris, hints at digital investment

Former Pureprint business development manager Kelly Harris has joined Healeys as sales and marketing director.

Kelly, who took up his new role at the beginning of August, said that he was committed to redressing the balance between print and other media channels in marketing campaigns, claiming that print has become "less sexy" for marketers in recent times.

He added: "A successful campaign is out to embrace print as well as the full pallet of other media channels. To have a future print should embrace all aspects of the industry, which is why Healeys will be making significant investments in digital equipment and software over the coming year."

"We are halfway through an 18-month assessment with Vision in Print and I intend to make sure the market is fully aware of just what great products we can offer."

Healeys invested in the UK’s first carbon-neutral Heidelberg press, a Speedmaster XL 75-5+L, at Drupa, to be installed in December.

Healeys managing director Philip Dodd said: "The recent purchase of the XL 75-5+L gives us substantial headroom in our capacity without an increase in costs, so the team are extremely excited about the future and the opportunities that will develop.

"And Kelly’s experience will be ideal in helping to drive Healeys’ continued growth with his knowledge of fine art, charity and luxury brands."

Harris added: "I will have the opportunity to work with the management to transform Healeys from a world-class print supplier to a world-class marketing services company."