Geekay and Printline install Fuji's CTP kit

Geekay Print & Packaging installed Fujifilm's fifth violet CTP system in Bengaluru.

Geekay has invested in a Fuji Luxel V-6 4-up platesetter, its first move into CTP. The unit houses digital, offset and CTP under one roof.

CTP is expected to aid the amount of repro Geekay does in-house in order to reduce operational costs and increase productivity. The unit has two digital presses including a recently installed Canon Imagepress; as well as a four-colour Sakurai.

"We believe violet technology provides a reduced cost of ownership and is more environmentally friendly," said G K Deshpande of Geekay.

R J Resolutions installed a Luxel system and repro house, Printline Systems opted for an Alinte 8-page. Both units will cater to printers who have bolstered their capacity.

"Violet CTP is the first choice for printers and repro houses," added Fujifilm Graphic Systems' K V Raghuram, regional manager, South India.