Finnish paper strikes set to spread to Sweden

Finlands paper workers are on strike, closing 40 paper and 14 board mills in the country, and the strike could spread to Sweden, increasing the potential for supply problems in the UK.

Talks between the union and employers ended on 14 May without conclusion.

The strike spans around 24,000 members of the Finnish Paper Workers Union, while some 7,000 members of the Union of Salaried Employees working in the mills have also joined in the action.

Industrial action commenced on 15 May closing 20 mills, with the remainder set to close today. The strike will end on the morning of 18 May, at which time the employers will begin a two-week lockout.

The Swedish Paper Workers Union has pledged its support for its Finnish sister union.

Pappers, the Swedish Union, has declared an overtime ban at Stora Enso mills from the 16-18 May, or the duration of the Finnish strike.

The action could result in the shut down of entire mills, and Pappers has threatened to extend the action if the dispute in Finland continues.

Story by Andy Scott