Emap to keep titles at St Ives

Emap is to keep all eight of its titles printed at St Ives Gillingham within the St Ives group following the proposal to close the plant (<i>PrintWeek</i>, 8 February).

UK print and pre-press buyer Andy Franks said Emap still had to finalise the new arrangements for the titles, which include Nursing Times and Kerrang!.

The other six are Birdwatching, Trail, Country Walking, Rail, Golf World and Todays Golfer.

VNU production director Joanne Hurst said she too hoped to keep her groups three titles produced at Gillingham Computer Reseller News, Web Active and Information World Review within St Ives. But she added: "St Ives just cant assume that customers are going to be repackaged."

St Ives is almost halfway through its 90-day consultation with the GPMU.