Creo launches significant upgrade to Prinergy

Creo has launched Prinergy version 3, which it claims is the most significant upgrade for the PDF-based workflow to date.

New features include rules-based automation, tighter integration of offset and digital workflows, automated imposition, a new user interface and additional approval and PDF editing tools.

Rules-based automation enables users to configure the system to carry out previously manual tasks such as archiving and output.

Creo claims that a plate could be output with no intervention in pre-press. Submission of a file via Synapse Insite triggers production, with client sign-off of an approved file releasing impositions to platemaking.

"The whole idea of rules-based automation is that it's as close to lights-off pre-press as we're ever going to get," said Creo UK marketing manager Maria Machera.

Closer integration with digital presses includes using JDF to submit job details for digital production even for jobs prepared originally for offset. The new version can also automate digital print production when used in conjunction with Xerox's FreeFlow Print Manager tool.

Closer integration with imposition package Preps enables automatic imposition via JDF from MIS or production planning software, or from Synapse Upfront.

Prinergy 3 is a free upgrade for users with a full support contract. Although it has been beta tested in Europe no UK users are using the software yet.

Story by Barney Cox