Burlington Press picks up new contracts following second KBA Rapida buy

Commercial printer Burlington Press has secured a raft of new contracts after investing in its second KBA Rapida 105 within two years.

Cambridgeshire-based Burlington Press has opted for a six-colour model with in-line coating to run alongside its 10-colour perfector installed at the beginning of last year.

The new machine, which replaces a Heidelberg Speedmaster, features heavy stock handling to print on a wide range of substrates.

Director Andrew Tooke said: "The six-colour with coater gives us the ideal complement to the long perfector. Plus, we asked for the heavy stock options to give us that extra degree of flexibility."

With the addition of the new Rapida, the company, which is on target for a £7m turnover, has picked up a selection of new contracts for greetings cards, postcards and packaging jobs.

The influx of work has complemented the printer's core business, which includes magazine section work, brochures and books.

Tooke said: "The 10-colour has done everything we expected. We have been delighted with the machine's performance and it was always our intention to replace our older Speedmasters.

"The performance and quality of the KBA just brought that decision forward."