Antalis and Arjo donate solar panels to Africa

Paper merchant Antalis and its partner Arjowiggins Graphic have donated 200 solar panels to support education for children in Mali as part of their collaboration with the ChildFund Alliance.

Solar lamps will be distributed to children living in villages without electricity as part of ChildFund’s global Light to Learn challenge. The lamps, which are being sent out at the moment by the ChildFund Alliance, can provide up to 16 hours of intense light and 100 hours of soft light when completely charged.

Arjowiggins and ChildFund kicked off the campaign in May as part of their annual Cyclus campaign. They, along with Antalis, called on the print community to watch a video about Light to Learn and donated one solar lamp for every 25 views, easily hitting the target of 200 as views skyrocketed to 6,050. 

Last year, a similar Cyclus campaign donated 100 used bicycles to remote and isolated villages in India. 

Arjowiggins operational marketing manager Angela De Vorchik said: “Cyclus is rich in environmental and ethical principles and so joining forces with ChildFund Alliance is a natural fit for the brand.

"This year we have implemented a purposefully engaging campaign approach to encourage our customers to view the videos and learn how something as simple as a solar lamp can revolutionise a child’s life.” 

Matthew Botfield, Antalis corporate social responsibility manager and product manager for recycled papers, said the merchant feels it is important to try and create an emotional interest in supporting good causes.

“We’re very lucky living where we are because we turn a switch and the light comes on but you don’t need to stray too far away from the urban area and suddenly mobile phone signal is a bit patchy," said Botfield.

“To be able to support children to do their homework when the sun has gone down by giving them a light that isn’t going to gobble up AA batteries, I think that’s a terrific thing.” 

Botfield highlighted a number of other charitable causes that Antalis has contributed towards, including staff competing in a cross trainer challenge to take enough steps to simulate climbing Mount Everest.

“I think we’re certainly trying to support good causes. I think we could always do more and I wouldn’t say we’re a leading light in this but the people that work here give a whole lot of charity through sponsorship every year," he added. 

Antalis UK marketing manager Mike Bennett added: "We are extremely proud to have supported our partner, Arjowiggins Graphic, in hitting their target and supporting ChildFund once again by providing 200 solar lamps to children in Mali."

Earlier this month, Antalis initiated its £5m vehicle replacement programme.