
Transformative times

While the word ‘pandemic’ has dominated our lives in 2020, another p-word ‘pivot’ has also come to the fore as print businesses switched up their offering

Print’s biggest stories of 2020

At the time of writing, during the course of 2020 Printweek.com generated 3,443,024 page impressions and counting, with the vast majority of the 1,255 articles we wrote over the period celebrating the...

Powering out of 2020

Ordinarily, the final issue of the year is dominated by the Printweek Power 100. However, as we all know far too well, 2020 has proven to be anything but an ordinary 12 months, so we thought in light...

Stepping up when things go south

At the start of 2020, B2B promotional products firm EverythingBranded.com was embarking on the year fresh from a restructure, with renewed focus and vigour.

Indecent proposal

Considering the impact of coronavirus, it seems that issues relating to sexual harassment in the workplace belong to a different time. But just because coronavirus is more pressing doesn’t mean that...

You’re hired!

Lord Sugar and Donald Trump may have popularised the term ‘apprentice’ and ‘you’re fired’, but there’s much more to the concept. Implemented well, with of course, willing candidates, apprenticeships...

There is no Plan B

While some decry the concept of climate change, the reality – no matter what is happening – is that there is but one Earth and we have a duty to protect it as best as we can. There is, very simply, no...

Managing perfection

So much has been written about the art of management that an individual looking to improve their knowledge with a purchase from Amazon had better become a speed reader or know how to narrow a search...

Durham Box crafts festive calendar for special brews

Advent calendars are no longer just about chocolate. Makeup, popcorn, tea, stationery and even cheese variants were all available this Christmas, but one of the biggest markets for alternative advent...

Hill: “It just churns through the volume and gives us more firepower”

Me & my: Xerox Baltoro

Nottingham-based direct mail (DM) specialist Eight Days a Week Print Solutions has a long-standing relationship with Xerox.

Star product: Zaikio Print Connectivity Platform

Now backed up by Heidelberg’s considerable clout, this connectivity platform is intended to deliver where JDF has failed and enable plug-and-play communication between any print-related device.

Star product: Actega Metal Print EcoLeaf

A low-waste way of achieving high-end metallic effects on print.

Small things lead to big business

Christmas is coming and a lot of kids will be lucky enough to be given a model railway, still a popular hobby even in these days of PlayStations and smartphones. Big kids like model railways too, and...

Best of British: Inkjet insiders

Global Inkjet Systems in Cambridge is another of those world-class British tech companies that hides its light under a bushel. Or in this case, NDAs from its customers.

60 seconds with... Balcony Shirts

Balcony Shirts is a printwear shop in West London. Partner Scott Raison explains the back story: “From humble beginnings printing t-shirts in our bedrooms and selling them on eBay, we soon graduated...