Q&A: Doug Nelson, managing director, NB Colour Print

Doug has been in print for 32 years, so he must have started in the business at a formative age. And even before that he spent his school holidays working on a Rotaprint. Ink runs in the veins of the Nelsons at Chorley-based NB Colour Print. Doug has chosen not to share his most embarrassing moment, and we’re wondering if it is perhaps linked to his 1980s fashion choices?

Why did you get into printing?

Printing runs in the family, so it was either that or Leyland Motors – and look what happened to them

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Burt Reynolds but back in his 1970s Smokey and the Bandit days… I know he looks nothing like me, but I think he’s cool

What was your childhood obsession?


What is your dream bit of kit?

VW Camper Van, a brand new one with all the bits on. Not the old-style ones, I know they’re cool but they don’t appear that comfy to me

What would you most like to print?

Loads of 16pp A4 mixed up with a handful of high-margin bespoke jobs. Can I have that every month including summer, please?

What is your favourite film?

O Brother, Where Art Thou? is one of my favourites

What is your favourite TV programme?

The Mighty Boosh

Who or what do you hate the most?

I’m not a fan of KFC

Who do you admire most in the industry?

I don’t know that many, but the Tolleys at Prime and Jon Bailey at ProCo are doing good things

What is your favourite phrase or saying?


What is your favourite album?

De La Soul’s 3 Feet High and Rising

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?

Ray Mears, he can light the fire. Bear Grylls, he can kill a wild boar. And Jamie Oliver can cook it all… Me and the wife can chill on the beach while some nondescript servant waits on us

What piece of kit would you like to see invented?

A time machine, but only I would have rights to it

Most embarrassing moment?

It was so embarrassing, I can’t tell you about it

Where would you like to be right now?

The Bahamas

What’s your worst fashion disaster?

It’s got to be the 1980s - white socks and jumpers tucked in

Which superpower would you like to have?

All of Spider Man’s powers

Who would be your favourite party guests?

The Two Ronnies

What is the worst kind of print?

Stuff you don’t get paid for

What was the best business deal that you’ve pulled off?

I’m no Alan Sugar

Life is…?

Pretty good