Unite and CPI agree 3% pay increase

Unite and the Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) have agreed an across the board salary increase in this year's national pay agreement.

National officer Steve Sibbald said the union were very pleased to have agreed a 3% increase, which covers 2,387 members.

He said: "I would particularly like to thank the regional officers for the work that they did in getting a good return – especially Tim Elliot, who helped in negotiations as well as all our lay reps, who obviously put in a lot of work into getting a good return on the ballot. 

"Although the increase was lower than the claim, which was RPI, it was nevertheless in the upper quartile of settlements in the manufacturing industry which is why I think the members have voted so solidly in favour."

Of the 2,387 members, 75% returned a vote, with 82% in favour of the agreement, which gave an increase of 3% on the nationally-agreed rate, as well as up-lift in call money.