Stora Enso lends its backing to Two Sides initiative

Paper giant Stora Enso has become the latest company to put its weight behind the Two Sides campaign, launched by the National Association of Paper Merchants (NAPM).

Two Sides aims to demystify the environmental impact of paper.

Pasi Piiparinen, senior vice president of marketing and sales at Stora Enso Fine Paper, said: "We are delighted to support Two Sides. Economic, environmental and social responsibility underpins our thinking and our approach to every aspect of doing business."

Earlier this month, Sappi also pledged its support to the initiative.

Alistair Gough, president of the NAPM, and managing director of paper merchant Robert Horne, said: "We have become increasingly frustrated when the paper and print industry is unfairly criticised.

"All too often businesses are trying to reduce consumption for primarily cost reasons and are hiding behind erroneous environmental arguments."

The NAPM launched its Two Sides campaign in October with the aim of dispelling the "barrage of misleading information" surrounding paper.

It calls on paper, print and allied trade companies to commit to a three-year campaign to tackle environmental misconceptions.

The NAPM is asking for funding from across the industry to spend on reprints and revisions of the Two Sides booklet, further distribution of CD presentation material, website maintenance, continuing marketing and the development of further ideas.