Print Power launches personalised campaign

Print Power has targeted 16,000 UK media buyers with the launch of a personalised direct mail campaign that stresses the power and uniqueness of the printed medium.

The organisation, which is dedicated to promoting print media, has launched the magazine campaign in 14 European countries.

It aims to stress printed media's unique qualities and cost-effectiveness in reaching its target audience.

Martyn Eustace, UK country manager, said: "This is the first major campaign from Print Power, and we've had some fantastic feedback.

"Print on paper offers real-life experiences to readers. Touching a printed document - feeling it, smelling it - is what reading a magazine or newspaper is all about."

There has been an initial print run of 25,000, with 16,000 copies having already been sent out to media buyers, brand owners and media decision makers.

Pensord has litho printed the inside of the magazine, while Lateral Group has printed the digital front cover and handled fulfilment.

Print Power will use adverts, direct mail and the magazine to inform media buyers and brand owners how advertising in print can be effective, and another issue is planned for the Autumn.

He added: "In the UK print volumes are suffering. This is not happening in all European countries and we can do something about it.

"It's our job and responsibility to keep print media firmly on the media buyers' agenda."

Print Power is the Two Sides campaign's European sister initiative, and comprises companies from across the supply chain, including forestry, pulp, paper, inks and chemicals, pre-press, press, finishing, publishing and printing.