Print industry stars of tomorrow recognised in Print Futures Awards

Seven young people looking to make a future in UK print have become the latest success stories of the Print Futures Awards.

The scholarship scheme, which is sponsored by the BPIF, Unite the Union and the Printers’ Charitable Corporation, rewarded the seven finalists in what is the scheme's sixth year.

Stemming from the UK printing and graphics arts industries, the winners each received between £1,250 and £2,500 to help fund their training and education.

A number of industry figures attended the 21 July ceremony, held at Konica Minolta's London iHub headquarters, where the 2009 awards were presented.

Steve Sibbald, national officer for Unite, said: "More than ever, our industry needs enthusiastic and innovative young people such as these. I have no doubt that these awards will be a sound investment.  I wish them luck for the future."

Dale Wallis, BPIF membership director and a member of the judging panel added that the print industry "needs and deserves young people of this quality".

The seven 2009 winners were Julia Inshaw from Headley Brothers, Charlotte George from BPIF, Prime Group's Fiona Booth, Suzanne Eland from Cheshire West & Chester Council, William Booth studying at Leeds University,  Naylor Group's James Ormerod and Marc Goodwin from Sheffield Web.

Those interested in the 2010 edition of the Print Futures Awards should contact awards secretary, Terry Ulrick on 01444 831918 or via