Eclipse Colour merges with 4DM Group

Eclipse Colour and the 4DM Group have aimed to become the "best in class" after merging in a deal that creates one of the UK's largest independent commercial print and direct mail businesses.

Kettering-based Eclipse will acquire an initial 10% stake in 4DM as part of a five-year strategy that will eventually see managing director Simon Moore take a majority shareholding in the group.

The merger is the culmination of a working relationship between Moore and 4DM chief executive Charles Grant-Salmon that spans more than 20 years.

Moore said that both he and Grant-Salmon viewed the deal as an opportunity to build "a fully integrated marketing services provider where two well-established businesses with like-minded staff come together to pool strengths, technology and innovation".

He added: "I’m very excited about the plans we have and am looking forward to the implementation of the medium and longer-term strategies of both companies."

According to Grant-Salmon, the merger marks the start of a new chapter for both businesses.

"Our joint goal is to become best in class, providing our collective clients with a wide range of services from the obvious print and direct mail through to innovative digital multimedia campaigns," he added.

I firmly believe that with the companies being gradually integrated, we have the right customers, reputation and highly skilled, committed staff to deliver our objectives," added Grant-Salmon.