CCDotmeter highlights '21st century' print viewing at Ipex

Centurfax Customised Dotmeters (CCDotmeter) is using Ipex to bring print viewing “into the 21st century” with its digital Loupe technology.

On stand N3-C302-2, the firm is highlighting its range of DigiLoupe viewers, which feature a 2.7 inch TFT LCD screen that displays images from 10x up to 40x magnification.

The devices use an internal lighting system and also a standard USB connection for downloading JPEG files of up 1,600x1,200 pixels. They also allow two images, one stored and one live, to be compared on screen.

“Every printer in every country in the world uses an old-fashioned metal or plastic and glass loupe to view the detail of his work,” said Bob Leslie, managing director of CCDotmeter.

“In the modern world of ever tighter registration issues, and very fine line work, the accurate viewing of this more detailed printing is an essential requirement. In these days of tight profit margins re-print costs have to be avoided. Examination of the finer elements of the job needs to be done and needs to be done with 100% accuracy.”

The DigiLoupe costs from £79.