BAF Graphics decks out Selfridges with Dufaylite displays

BAF Graphics has helped dress Selfridges' window displays at its London, Manchester and Birmingham stores using Dufaylite board.

The Christmas displays in London and Manchester used 150 3m x 1.2m Dufaylite boards for all back windows as well as props such as open-sided, back-lit buildings and Christmas trees. For the Birmingham, the same effect was achieved using designs printed onto self-adhesive vinyl in order to wrap both of their 30m long main street level windows.

For the London store, an additional element involved working with a children's charity which was running a project for children to provide drawings of what Christmas represented to them. These images were scanned, printed direct to Foamcore and then digitally cut out to produce characters to use in the display.

The graphics were printed on BAF's Durst Rho 600.

Dan Chang, Account Director at BAF Graphics said: "Dufaylite represented the perfect substrate for this particular window scheme, not only because of its rigidity and structural properties, but also because its visible card identity with a natural edge where the honeycomb centre can be seen, was well suited to creating a cardboard box feeling. It also fits with the environmental policy which Selfridges adheres to."