Print credit where it's due

Jo Francis has a furrowed brow following a potential power of print oversight.

The regular reader of this column will know that I am a huge fan of flick-to-click.

I love shopping online, but am more likely to be prompted or inspired to do so by some form of catalogue, than by an email or other digital promo.

Savvy retailers realise the power of this flick-to-click model, as evidenced by the number of catalogues, magalogues, mini-catalogues and whatnot received at Francis Towers.

Some of these items are addressed, like this clever FitFlop mailer, some of them arrive as inserts in newspapers and magazines. John Lewis being a notably keen proponent of the latter model for its tech products.

While visiting an online store the other day after a little light catalogue surfing on the sofa, I was targeted by one of those surveys that increasingly pop up asking about your experience at that particular website and why you visited it.

Out of idle curiosity I completed said survey, and found to my alarm that the role of print was not necessarily getting a fair shout.

The questions were phrased in such a way that the flick-to-click aspect was not recognised. I was either ‘buying from the catalogue’ or ‘buying from the website’.

There was no option linking the two.

I alerted the print honcho at the brand involved to this anomaly, and hope it will be addressed in future surveys.

Yes, I realise brands have all sorts of fancy measuring devices when it comes to assessing the results of their various marketing channels. But this incident did set alarm bells ringing that print’s contribution wouldn’t be properly recognised.

So, dear reader, eyes peeled. If you see anything similar happening among your client base, be sure to flag it up so the power of print will receive credit when credit is due.